• Decoration (1640 × 1640 px).png


$0 USD

(Plus applicable taxes)

Our 15-minute discovery call is the first step in working with us. Everyone starts here! During the call you will have the opportuinity to speak directly to our designer, who will ask you questions about your project and design goals. Whether you are looking for Full-Service design or you don't know where to start, our team will help provide you recommendations on next steps in your project.
We can also explain what it’s like to work with us and how we can take your space to magazine worthy with our exclusive design process and customer experience journey.

It's FREE!! You will begin by purchasing the Complimentary Discovery Call (on this page) to get started.
1. Please set up your secure account login information in MyDoma (our online platform to manage your project)
2. On the left column of your MyDoma Studio is where you will find your MENU (three dot menu icon located at the top left - on mobile)
3. Next, in your MENU go to the 'Appointment' tab to view Katie's calendar to select your 15 minute, date and time for your FREE call.
4. You will be directed to our detailed Design Questionnaire. Please fill this out and submit at least 24 hours prior to your call.
5. Once the Questionnaire is completed - Tap SCHEDULE MEETING to book your Complimentary Discovery Call and Katie will call you at your scheduled time.
We look forward to meeting you!
Please be sure to provide your phone number and email address; once your time and date are confirmed, we will contact you directly for your session.